Once you’ve created a Daffy account, you can send Daffy Gifts, digital charity gift cards — directly from your Daffy fund. The recipient can choose from any of the 1.5+ million charities, schools, and religious organizations supported on Daffy, without even creating a Daffy account.
Nearly any charity, school, or religious organization in the U.S.! Our database is populated with every US-based not-for-profit organization in good standing with the IRS. If their favorite charity isn’t listed, our team is happy to assist.
Daffy Gifts do not expire and may be used at any time. If the balance of your fund is too low to process, we’ll email you to request that you contribute or cancel the Daffy Gift.
The contributions you’ve made to your Daffy fund are tax-deductible in the year that they were made, so Daffy Gifts are not tax-deductible since you already received a tax deduction for that amount. Also, the recipient of your Daffy Gift is not entitled to a tax deduction for the value.