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Activate, Organize, and Inspire: Introducing Daffy Campaigns

Adam Nash

· 4 min read

Daffy was founded with a simple mission: to help people be more generous, more often. Our organization believes that through technology and design, we can help people be the generous people that they want to be and help close the generosity gap.

But from the beginning, we knew that we couldn’t do it alone. Daffy has never been just a story of a small team building software to inspire people to give. Our vision has always been supporting a community of millions of members inspiring each other to be more generous.

Today, we take the next step towards that vision with the introduction of Daffy Campaigns. Now every Daffy member can fundraise for charities and causes they care about.

Rally Your Community to Give

One of the most common reasons that people give to a charity or a cause is because someone they know or respect asks them. Dutch scholars Rene Bekkers and Pamala Wiepking found that for 85% of charitable donations, people gave because someone asked them. We discover new causes and charities through other people, and we are inspired to give by other people. This is why it is so critical that we share the causes and charities that we care deeply about with other people.

Almost since the day we launched, Daffy members have requested the ability to raise money for the organizations that they support and get others involved. Campaigns is not a feature that you will find associated with the large, existing donor-advised fund platforms. It’s a shame, because we know that people who put money aside for charity are some of the most committed to giving.

As usual, our best inspiration always comes from the generosity of our members. They have told us countless stories about how and why they want to raise money:

  • Parents who want to raise money for a school to organize a field trip, build a computer lab, or endow a new program.
  • A company that wants to run a campaign for an organization or cause that is important to their employees & local community.
  • A member who wants to honor the memory of someone who has passed by supporting the organizations they cared about during their life.
  • Volunteers of a religious organization who want to raise funds to support their local community through food drives, clothing, or housing.

Designed for Charitable Giving

There are already a number of fundraising platforms on the web, so as part of our design efforts we spent significant time thinking about how campaigns could be designed specifically to enhance charitable giving.

As a result, Daffy Campaigns features a number of unique capabilities, borrowed from the fundraising insights of some of the most successful charitable organizations in the world:

  1. Matching. One of the most effective techniques to help encourage giving is having one person’s generosity help magnify the giving of others. With Daffy’s modern donor-advised platform, any member can fund their account to offer matching donations to their campaign up to a specified amount.
  2. Impact. Most people aren’t motivated to give solely by dollars — they care deeply about the impact those dollars can have on the people or cause they are looking to support. Daffy Campaigns allow members to specify “impact units” to help crystalize the impact that donors to the campaign will have. It is so much more inspiring to see that your $20 donation could provide 10 meals, provide 4 warm blankets, or help plant 20 trees.
  3. Multi-charity Support. Many causes are supported by more than one organization. Why do existing campaign platforms force you to pick a single beneficiary? With Daffy Campaigns, you can specify up to six organizations, inspire your community to give, and let them choose which organization to give to. When there is a crisis, like the recent Maui fires, Daffy members can build campaigns to support the entire community, and not just limit their efforts to a single charity.
  4. Milestones. Fundraising platforms for politicians and companies often include several milestones and goals, to help motivate their communities to give multiple times as they hit intermediary goals. With Daffy Campaigns, instead of setting just one goal for your campaign, members can set multiple milestones, rallying their supporters to share and give multiple times as they cross each intermediate goal.
  5. AI Assistance. Just because you are committed to a cause does not mean necessarily that you know how to best frame your campaign. Daffy Campaigns utilizes ChatGPT by OpenAI to help our members craft a great campaign description to speed up the process of creating a high-quality campaign.
  6. Coupons. Through the end of the year, Daffy will be giving every Daffy member a small number of Daffy coupons to participate in your campaigns. One of the unique benefits of having a community built of people who put money aside for charity is that there is a ready and willing audience ready to support each other financially, and we are eager to help activate them for your campaigns.

Activate, Organize, and Inspire

Getting started with Daffy Campaigns is simple. If you are already a member, Campaigns are now live on If you have not joined Daffy yet, you can easily get started by going to the Daffy Campaigns home.

Actions speak louder than words. When you make the commitment to give, it’s a powerful way to demonstrate your dedication to a cause or charity. But when you organize a campaign, you extend that gift to others by inspiring them to give.

At Daffy, we are inspired by our members every day. We cannot wait to see what members do with a donor-advised fund platform that gives them such a powerful way to inspire others.

Join us.