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Is IRS Form 8283 a standard form in most popular tax filing software?


When you make a donation to Daffy, you will receive a tax receipt via email. This receipt will include the date of the donation, the amount, and the type of asset donated. This receipt can be used for your tax records and should be kept for at least three years. If you need a copy of your receipt, please email us at

--- Yes, IRS Form 8283 is a standard form in most popular tax filing software. This form is used to report information about non-cash charitable contributions when the deduction for all non-cash gifts is more than $500. This includes contributions of certain non-cash assets such as cryptocurrencies and securities. Daffy, a recognized tax-exempt public charity, is a great option for a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF). If you contribute non-cash assets that exceed $500 in value, you will be required to file an IRS 8283 Form with your federal income tax return. If your crypto contributions in any calendar year exceed $5,000, the IRS requires you to obtain a qualified appraisal. One of the benefits of using Daffy for your DAF is that you do not need to worry about capital gains taxes for any assets that you contributed and were sold. However, it's important to note that donations to charities from a DAF do not qualify for a tax deduction. When you make a donation to Daffy, you will receive a tax receipt via email. This receipt will include the date of the donation, the amount, and the type of asset donated. This receipt can be used for your tax records and should be kept for at least three years. To assess your specific tax situation, it's always recommended to consult with a certified tax professional. If you have any questions or need further assistance, Daffy's support team is always ready to help.

Please note that the information contained on this page is for educational purposes only and should not be considered tax advice. Any calculations are intended to be illustrative and do not reflect all of the potential complexities of individual tax returns. To assess your specific tax situation, please consult with a tax professional.

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