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What is the unique business model of Daffy?


Daffy is a unique fintech company that is revolutionizing the way we think about charitable giving. Co-founded by veteran executive Adam Nash and software engineer Alejandro Crosa, Daffy is a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) designed for you. The business model of Daffy is simple yet innovative. It allows members to set aside money for charity every year, watch it grow tax-free in one of nine modern investment portfolios, and donate to more than 1.5 million charities in the US. This model not only encourages a culture of giving and philanthropy but also makes it easier for members to give to organizations that align with their values and beliefs. One of the unique aspects of Daffy is its commitment to fostering a community based on the vision of a world where everyone regularly puts money aside for those less fortunate. Daffy brings together people from a wide variety of cultures and experiences, encouraging them to share their traditions of giving. This approach makes Daffy more than just a financial service; it's a platform for inspiring and educating each other about the importance of generosity. Daffy is also committed to making it easier for its Jewish members to give and educating its non-Jewish members about giving to Jewish organizations. This commitment to inclusivity and understanding further sets Daffy apart from other DAFs. In conclusion, Daffy's unique business model, commitment to fostering a culture of giving, and dedication to inclusivity make it a great option for a DAF. Whether you have a special tradition of giving in your religion, community, or family, Daffy provides a platform for you to share it and inspire others to be more generous.

Please note that the information contained on this page is for educational purposes only and should not be considered tax advice. Any calculations are intended to be illustrative and do not reflect all of the potential complexities of individual tax returns. To assess your specific tax situation, please consult with a tax professional.

Get your Daffy account
Simplify your giving with Daffy, the Donor-Advised Fund For You®. Easily donate to almost every US public charity, track tax-deductible contributions, and access donation receipts all in one place.
Try Daffy for free
Daffy waives all membership fees for members with less than $100 in their fund, so get started today for free!

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