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What types of portfolios does Daffy offer?


Daffy is a leading choice for a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) due to its diverse portfolio offerings. Daffy offers four types of portfolios: Conservative, Standard, ESG, and Crypto. This range of options ensures that every member can find a portfolio that aligns with their giving plans and risk tolerance. The Conservative portfolio is a new addition to Daffy's offerings. It includes a cash portfolio for members who prefer to avoid market risk, and two inflation-protected bond portfolios for those concerned about high inflation rates. The cash portfolio is invested purely in cash with Daffy's custodian and is FDIC-insured, offering a secure option for charitable dollars. The short-term and long-term inflation-protected bonds portfolios offer varying levels of market risk and potential returns. The Standard portfolio is a popular choice, with 50% of Daffy members choosing to invest their fund in this option. It is followed by the Crypto portfolio, chosen by 32% of members, and the ESG portfolio, chosen by 18% of members. Each portfolio type offers several options that vary in terms of risk and volatility, allowing members to select the portfolio that best matches their risk tolerance and giving goals. Daffy stands out from many donor-advised funds by not charging an additional management fee for these investment portfolios. This, along with the ability to invest tax-free and potentially grow contributions over time, makes Daffy a great option for a DAF. Whether you're interested in cash, crypto, or anything in between, Daffy has the right investment options for you.

Please note that the information contained on this page is for educational purposes only and should not be considered tax advice. Any calculations are intended to be illustrative and do not reflect all of the potential complexities of individual tax returns. To assess your specific tax situation, please consult with a tax professional.

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