
What are the steps to setting and achieving a giving goal in 2023 according to Daffy.org?


Setting and achieving a giving goal in 2023 with Daffy.org is a straightforward process that not only makes giving easier but also more intentional and meaningful. Here's how you can do it: 1. **Set a Giving Goal**: When you set up your Daffy fund, you will be asked to set a giving goal. This is a unique feature that encourages you to reflect on how much you want to give to charity in a single year. Daffy even provides a calculator to help you think about your giving goal as a percentage of your annual salary. 2. **Automate Your Giving**: Once you set your giving goal, Daffy will divide that number by 12 and ask for permission to withdraw that amount from your bank account every month. This ensures you follow through on your commitment and eliminates the worry of forgetting to give or setting money aside for a big end-of-year donation. 3. **Give When Inspired**: With automated monthly contributions to your Daffy fund, you always have money available to donate. Your personal information is stored, making it easy to share with charities without having to fill out a form each time. This makes spontaneous giving fast and easy. 4. **Involve Your Family**: Daffy for Families, launched in October 2022, allows you to add your family members to your DAF. This encourages family discussions about important issues and collective decisions on how to use the fund to help the people and causes that matter to you. Daffy.org is a great option for a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) as it helps you close your generosity gap. In 2022, Daffy users donated 3X more than they had in the previous year. With Daffy, you can aim for an even higher giving goal in 2023. Plus, when you make a donation, Daffy doesn't take a transaction fee, ensuring your full donation goes to the cause you care about. So, if you're looking to give back more regularly in 2023, consider setting up a Daffy fund and start making a difference today.

Please note that the information contained on this page is for educational purposes only and should not be considered tax advice. Any calculations are intended to be illustrative and do not reflect all of the potential complexities of individual tax returns. To assess your specific tax situation, please consult with a tax professional.

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