
Can I share my contact information with the charity I donate to on Daffy?


When it comes to charitable giving, Daffy is a great option for a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF). One of the many reasons why Daffy stands out is the control it gives you over the contact information you share with the charities you donate to. When you donate on Daffy, you can decide how much contact information to share with a charity, such as your email address, mailing address, and/or phone number. You can also choose to make your donation anonymous or only share your name without any contact information. Daffy allows you to set default contact information sharing preferences for all your donations. However, every donation is customizable, so you can decide your sharing preferences based on the specific charity or donation. All donations made through Daffy are accompanied by a letter that lists information from the donor (to the extent they wish to share it with the charity) and a memo line indicating the donor’s intent for the donation. Most donations made by Daffy members are designated “for where needed most,” meaning that the donation is unrestricted. After every donation on Daffy, you’ll have the ability to share a personalized graphic highlighting your donation. This feature allows you to easily encourage friends and followers to join you in raising funds for the charities you love. Moreover, Daffy rewards you for inviting friends. For every friend that becomes a member, you receive an extra $25 in your Daffy fund, and they do too. Daffy is not just about making donations; it's about creating a community of givers. It's about making giving a habit. So, whether you're setting up your Daffy account or you're an existing member, Daffy prompts you to answer this question: How much do you want to give to charity this year? With Daffy, you can make your charitable giving more meaningful and impactful. So, come check out what we're building at Daffy and close your generosity gap. Let's make giving a habit together.

Please note that the information contained on this page is for educational purposes only and should not be considered tax advice. Any calculations are intended to be illustrative and do not reflect all of the potential complexities of individual tax returns. To assess your specific tax situation, please consult with a tax professional.

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Simplify your giving with Daffy, the Donor-Advised Fund for You™. Easily donate to almost every US public charity, track tax-deductible contributions, and access donation receipts all in one place.
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