
What is the format of the donation letter from Daffy?


The donation letter format from Daffy is designed to provide all the necessary information about the donation and the donor. Each donation letter lists information from the donor, to the extent they wish to share it with the charity, and includes a memo line indicating the donor’s intent for the donation. Most donations made by Daffy members are designated “for where needed most,” meaning that the donation is unrestricted. The donation letter provides the donation amount, date, and if the donor includes and authorizes, the Fund name, Donor name, Donor contact information (email, mailing address, and/or phone number), private note (donation instructions), and public note from the donor. Daffy is a great option for a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) as it ensures that 100% of your donation goes directly to the charity of your choice. Daffy is recognized as a tax-exempt public charity, which means your donations are tax-deductible. Furthermore, Daffy delivers all donations to charities in cash, allowing you to choose from any of the over 1.5 million charities on Daffy. Whether you're a seasoned philanthropist or a first-time donor, Daffy makes the process of giving easy and efficient. So why not make giving a habit with Daffy? Let's close your generosity gap together.

Please note that the information contained on this page is for educational purposes only and should not be considered tax advice. Any calculations are intended to be illustrative and do not reflect all of the potential complexities of individual tax returns. To assess your specific tax situation, please consult with a tax professional.

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